Street Scenes - not on map


Street Scenes - not on map


Views on city streets - exact location not identified


These street views only name the street, not an intersection. Can you identify where they are? Let us know what you think using the "contact us" form.


bulk c. 1900 - 1925


Jersey City, NJ

Collection Items

Arlington Avenue, Jersey City, NJ
Looking down tree shaded street with nice homes, two on right with columns

Bay View Avenue, Jersey City, NJ
Three little girls and pram in middle of street of private homes

Belmont Avenue, Jersey City, NJ
Frame houses with nice porches, leafless trees

Belmont Avenue, Jersey City, NJ
Imposing row of homes with columned porches, neat lawns

Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, NJ
Imposing row of mansions with columned porches, leafless trees in front

Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, NJ
Shady street with horse and buggy, brownstones on right

Bergen Ave. looking North, Jersey City, NJ
Shops on one side, homes on the other, trolley car tracks, horse and buggy

A bit of the Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ
Wide street with imposing homes on either side

Hudson County Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ
Looking round the bend infront of imposing homes, lone figure on sidwalk, horse and buggies

Hudson County Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ
Imposing mansion on left with horse and buggy on lawn, tree lined street

Hudson County Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ
Man waiting for cars to go by on broad street; large private home in background

Hudson County Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ
Four story apartment with flag on top, model T's riding by

Hudson Blvd. looking north, Jersey City, New Jersey
Autos parked and riding along smooth street

Along the Hudson Boulevard
Mansion with four chimneys and dome on left, leafy trees line broad street

Central Ave. looking West, Jersey City Heights, NJ
Stores on either side of street, trolley headed toward camera, horse and buggy on right
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